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Monthly Metro Meeting

September 11, 2018 11:11 PM | Deleted user

Sept 2018 Metro Meeting


Café de Arts

Waukesha, WI

16 members in attendance

Mission Statement

Metro Mountain Bikers is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to safeguarding the future of mountain biking through the preservation and promotion of responsible off-road bicycling opportunities.  Which includes the education, sponsoring events, trail construction, and trail maintenance.

Introduction of Board Members

IMBA Update. 501c3

It took sometime but we are formally approved and have our non-profit tax status.  We received $250 back from the IRS.  With this approval we were able to get back our membership dues that IMBA was holding.   We received our first check from IMBA for $1200.   Another check is due the club for an additional $1980.  Once we receive that we will formally announce our intension to no longer be a sub-chapter of IMBA.  Then ALL membership dues will go directly to our trails. You can still be a member of IMBA, but if would be a separate membership from Metro.  

Fundraising Committee

Now that we have our non-profit status we will need to start forming a fundraising committee.   In order to build new trails we need the money.    Let’s start thinking about the right individual to head this committee as well as its committee members.     We are looking at building 4 new trail systems in the next 4 years and need to raise the funds to make it happen. It will take more participation from our 300 members to make this happen.   If you are interested, or know someone who would be a good fit for this position, please contact the board at

We see this person being an outgoing individual who is good at approaching businesses and able to discuss/present our plans in a proficient way.    The board would set strategy for project and committee would develop methods to fundraise with a purpose.   

Minooka Update 

Everyone on the Parks committee is new so we are basically updating them all on what Metro is as well as mountain biking in general.  The Park did give Metro a new MOU and we as a board hashed through it.  There are a lot of redlines and we have a meeting with the Parks committee to review/discuss the MOU next week.   Besides the legal aspects to the MOU  we are requesting permission  to use machines to build trails and not just hand tools.  The Park is working on a redesign due to the water substation at the south end and will be present their new concept at this meeting.   

Ball Park Commons update

Construction has slowed due to the very wet weather we were having.  The project looks to be delayed by 2 months for opening.  However, the land and plan is still in place to develop the pump track and possibly some additional areas down the road.           
If anyone is interested in being on this committee we still have spots available, just contact James or the board at

Reoccurring Social Events

  • ·         Odd Tuesday Rides

Next ride is Sept 18th.  This is a social no drop ride that will be hosted by James.  Time is 6pm at Minooka.   Bring lights if you plan on doing a couple laps.

  • ·         Wednesday Night Races

Wednesday races have come to an end.  It was a great season with a lot of new riders.   We like to thank Wheel & Sprocket for sponsoring the event.

Open board positions coming  

All positions are two year terms.

·         Co-Chair

·         Member at Large (2) – these positions will have specific duties assigned

·         Volunteer Coordinator -  Coop has taken this on temporarily for us.  Thank you Coop! 

·         Treasurer

·         Social Event Coordinator

Elections are held at the November Metro Meeting. 

Open Discussion

Tosa farmers market is this weekend.  John Buran will be manning the Metro tent from 8-12 if anyone would like to join him and help get the word out.   Not to mention volunteer hours.

$250 donation from the last Bikesha to the Club

James posed a question to members in attendance.    Which would you rather see when looking at the future of the club?

  • 1)      Metro focusing on maintaining and building within current trail systems?  (Minooka, Tosa, Ball Park, River Glen)
  • 2)    Metro focusing on building new trail systems while maintaining current systems?

Majority in attendance voted for #2, building new trail systems while maintaining current.

Both have their appeal to certain groups.  Building new features within existing systems is great for current membership that utilizes these trails; however, finding new areas to develop would also draw in new memberships from outside of our existing footprint.  

8:24pm Meeting Adjourned.




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