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July Metro Meeting Minutes

July 12, 2018 8:30 PM | Deleted user

July 2018 Metro Meeting


Beer Snobs

Hartland, WI

15 members in attendance

Mission Statement

Metro Mountain Bikers is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to safeguarding the future of mountain biking through the preservation and promotion of responsible off-road bicycling opportunities.  Which includes the education, sponsoring events, trail construction, and trail maintenance.

Trail Signs – Approved by board

Trail signs are made (15 of each) to place at all trail heads now we just need people to go put them out.   Signs will need to be out at a minimum for WORS race. 

Minooka:  Bob volunteered to put out just need to get them James. 

Isaac has a “Trail work ahead” sign that he uses during Collectivo work days. 

Tosa :  Chris C. is looking to schedule a Tosa work day next week so will put them out then.  Marty needs to get approval from the city trail council before they go out.   Meeting should be this Thursday and Marty will let us know.    Not sure how long they will last there.   Maybe not put in woods but located closer to the beer garden. 

Alpha/Kagel:   Just need approval and volunteer to put them up. 

Social Media update – John Schultz

John not in attendance.  People like the new look and feel of the site and posts.  BUT need more material  for John to keep it going.      Please share your pics and video of your rides at the trails with John so he can incorporate them into web-site and social media outlets.   You can send to  John at

Open Committee positions

  • ·         Social Events Chair – responsible for social rides and social meetings.  If you are interested please contact the Board! 

Current Membership – Goal is 1,000

Currently 150 active

James had some feedback from members that want to see stuff happen before joining.  Understandable.  

Suggestions on how we can bring in new member’s?  What do they need?  Want?

Matt suggested getting families involved.  Maybe organized social events designed around families.  Examples;  kids ride or skills clinic.    Brian and Matt will get together and brainstorm on an event geared around families and will let board know what day/times they are thinking so we can assist.

What about NICA families?   Can we assist here?   Must use our trails – train on the trails.  How can we ask them to be members and help us build new trails for them to ride, train, and race on?   Maybe we can start with the coaches?   Maybe attend their meetings?  Offer skills/ride Clinic? 

Are we asking our friends and fellow riders to become members?   If not, we should be.   Share Metro Membership Posts on your FB and Instagram pages.  Get the word out!

Join Metro Flyer

Created by Mike Vance and Darrin Jaeger.  They are still in the process of getting word smithed.  Once available we can use to handout on trails, NICA training nights at Minooka,  a leave behind basically.   The flyers will point them to our web-site. 

Recurring Social Events

·         Odd Tuesday Rides:   We need volunteers! This is a no drop event and should be promoted as such.   Volunteers are to host the ride and to promote club membership and participation.  They can host at Alpha, Minooka, or Tosa trail systems.  Contact board!

o   Next Odd Tuesday Ride hosted by Dan Kuhts at Tosa JULY 17TH weather permitting

  • ·         Wednesday Night Races.:    Cost to race is $20 for non-members and $5 for members.    REMINDER:  it is only $40 for a single membership.  

o   Next race at Minooka on Wednesday JULY 27th

Tosa Famers Market

Need volunteers to man the booth.   Should be the first weekend in August. 

Take Aways:

  • 1         Ask friends to join

  • 2         Reach out to NICA coaches

  • 3         Refine our message


Meeting Adjourned. 




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